Speedway Elvis Presley,Nancy Sinatra

Speedway Elvis Presley,Nancy Sinatra


Handling Charges: $1.35

Speedway…..Starring Elvis Presley, Nancy Sinatra , Bill Bixby, Gale Gordon, Carl Ballantine…Rated G/1968/ Color/90 minutes/BETA MB600476…It s Elvis Presley in high gear and high action in Speedway, We re off to the thrill a minute world of racing…..As an ace stock car driver with nerves of steel and a heart of gold, Elvis is in trouble with IRS agent Susan Jacks ….he owes Uncle Sam $145,000 but can t pay because his manager (Bixby) has been betting all the winnings on losing horses….then there s Abel Esterlake s five hungry girls to be helped out….and the waitress who weeps when you tell her to hold the mayo….Elvis refuses to let them down, and risks everything to win the grueling "Charlotte 600", the answer to their problems…..with Elvis burning up the soundtrack singing six great songs……..comes in a hard cardboard case with a plastic cover both the cover and tape in good condition.

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Weight 16 oz