Showing 1951–1980 of 11160 results
Clear Mug:Monroe Fire Company Cumberland County PA
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Monroe Fire Co…Cumberland County, PA with firemen’s logo in the center with “25” all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″” high x 2 1/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Mount Carbon Fire Company 75th Anniversary Housing 9-22-1984
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Mount Carbon Fire Co…Truck Housing..September 22, 1984 with pic of fire truck in center all in black lettering. (back) “Celebrating Our 75th Anniversary in 1984″ in black lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 3” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Moyamensing Hook & Ladder Fire Co #1 Housing
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Moyamensing Hook & Ladder Fire Co #1… Housing…July 8th 1972 with a pic of a fire truck all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Moyamensing Hook & Ladder Fire Co. #1
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Moyamensing Hook & Ladder Fire Co. #1….Housing…..July 8th 1972 with a pic of a fire truck all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Mt Carmel Fire Dept American Hose Co. 6-6-81
$7.99Glass… Mug…. Mt Carmel Fire Department….Engine 1…. American Hose Company. Mug measures approximately 4 3/4″ high x 2 5/8″ top diameter. Front of mug: “Mt. Carmel Fire Department…Engine 1…American Hose Company…6-6-81” (all in red lettering). There are no nicks, chips or cracks. This mug is part of a large collection. Great piece to add to your collection! In good, used condition.
Clear Mug:Mt Joy Pa Friendship Fire Co. 1, 61st Annual Convention
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) Friendship Fire Co., No. 1, Inc….Mount Joy, PA in black lettering with a pic of fore company (back) 61st Annual Convention (red lettering), Lancaster County Firemen’s Association (black lettering)…June 6, 1981 (red lettering) with a pic of “Friendship’s” logo and a pic of “Lancaster County Firemen’s” logo. Mug measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 3″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Mt. Carmel Pa. West End Fire Company Salutes M.C.F.D. Engine 3 Clover Hose 80th Ann
$14.99Glass Mug… West End Fire Co Salutes M.C.F.D. Eng 3. Mesaures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 3/4″ diameter (bottom). Front of mug reads: “West End Fire co. Salutes M.C.F.D Eng. 3, Clover Hose Company, 80th Anniversary , 1904-1984 in black lettering with a pic of a green fire truck in the center. Back: 1915-1990, Series 1, August 11, 1984 all in black lettering with an orange circle in center with “West End Fire Co., Mount Carmel, Engine 1” in black lettering. No cracks or chips. This piece is part of a large collection. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Muster, Pa. 5th Annual Muster PA Pump Primers
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Fifth Annual Muster…May 24, 1980…Harrisburg, Penna with pic of red, white blue circle with “Pennsylvania Pump Primers” inside circle. (back) pic of firemen’s logo in white with red outlines with “Ahrens-Fox, Mack, Seagrave, American La France “5th” inside logo. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Neiffer,Pa. Ward Hose Co. Purchase of 1926 Ahrens-Fox
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Ward Hose Co, Neiffer, PA…Purchase of 1926 Ahrens-Fox (December 1st..1966) all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:New Buffalo,Pa. Volunteer Fire Co #1 Building Dedication
$5.99Clear Mug…(front) Vol. Fire Co. No. 1..New Buffalo, PA in red lettering with firemen’s logo pic in center with “Building Dedication, 1977″ inside logo all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 4 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter (bottom). No cracks or chips. This piece is part of a large collection. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:New Minersville Fire Company Housing
$9.99Clear Mug…(front) New Minersville Fire Company..1994 KME Housing..May 6, 1995 in black lettering with a pic of a yellow fire truck in center. (back) “Engine 54” in yellow lettering with a pic of “bud” the dalmatian with a fire hose in mouth. Measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 3/4″ diameter (bottom). This is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Norco Fire Co. Housing & Parade
$5.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Norco Fire Co. Housing & Parade for new Ladder-Pumper Truck…Sat., July 4, 1970 with pic of fire truck in center all in red. (back) Independence Day..1970 all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5″ high x 2 3/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Northside Engine Company #4 Truck Wet Down8-15-1965
$5.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Northside Engine Co. #4…Truck Wet Down..August 15, 1965…New Shrewsbury, New Jersey” al in red lettering with a pic of a fire truck in the center. Mug measures approximately 3 1/4″ diameter (top) x 4 3/4″ high x 3 1/2″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Norwood Fire Department Diamond Jubilee 1893-1968
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Company logo in center with “Norwood…1893-Diamond Jubilee-1968″…Sept. 25-28, 1968 all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Palmyra, Pa. Citizens Fire Company Number 1 102nd Anniversary
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Citizens Fire Company No. 1 in red lettering with pic of firemen’s logo in the center with “Palmyra FD Penna” inside logo. (back)102nd Anniversary..pic of circle with “Pennsylvania State Firemens Association..Convention and Parade..23, 24, 25, 25 September 1981. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 3/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Parkesburg Fire Company 50th Anniversary
$5.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Parkesburg Fire Co. Housing July 29, 1972 (red lettering) 50th Anniversary..Chester County Firemen’s Association (blue lettering) with a pic of a red fire truck in center. (back) “centennial pic in center with “Parkesburg Centennial 1872-1972″ around in red and blue lettering. Mug measures approximately 3 14″ diameter (top) x 4 1/2″ high x 3 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Parkland Fire Company #1 50th Anniversary & Truck Housing June 17 1972
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Parkland Fire Co. #1..50th Anniversary & Truck Housing…58th Annual Convention & Parade…Bucks County Firemen’s Assn…June 17, 1972 with a pic of a fire truck in the center “1922-1972″ all in yellow lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Patchogue Fire Department 90th Anniversary 1880-1970
$5.99Glass Mug….(front ) ” Patchogue Fire Dept…90th Anniversary…1880-1970 with a pic of firemen’s logo in center all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 3 1/4″ diameter (top) x 5″ high x 3″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Pennsville N J Fire & Rescue #1 50th Anniversary
$5.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Pennsville Fire & Rescue Co., #1….. 50th Anniversary….1924-1974….Pennsville, NJ in gold lettering with a pic of a fire truck. Lettering is faded. Mug measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Pennsville N J Fire & Rescue #1 50th Anniversary
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Pennsville Fire & Rescue Co., #1….. 50th Anniversary….1924-1974….Pennsville, NJ in gold lettering with a pic of a fire truck. Lettering is faded. Mug measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Pennsylvania Pump Primers 3rd Annual Muster May 20 1978
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Pennsylvania Pump Primers 3rd Annual Muster..May 20, 1978..Harrisburg, Penna in red lettering with pic of coiled fire hose- in center”Pennsylvania Pump Primers” (back) pic of a dalmation and fireplug with “I’m a pump primer” in red lettering on white background. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Perseverance Volunteer Fire Company
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) Perseverance Volunteer Fire Company with a pic of firehouse all in silver lettering. (back) Housing of 1970, Hahn Pumper, June 5, 1971 with a pic of a fire truck all in silver lettering. Mug measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 6 1/2″ high x 3 1/2″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good cond
Clear Mug:Philipstown, NY N. Highlands Engine Co #1,
$9.99North Highlands Engine Co. No. 1, 1973…..Volunteer Firemen….Philipstown, New York. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4″ diameter (bottom). This is part of a large collection of fire company mugs. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Phoenix Fire Co. 100th Anniversary
$9.99Clear Mug… Phoenix Fire Co… 100th Anniversary…1885-1985 all in red lettering. Measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 5 1/4″ high x 3 3/4″ diameter (bottom). This piece is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Phoenixville Pa.West End Fire Co. #3 Dedication
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “West End Fire Co. #3… Dedication…Sept. 25-1971..Phoenixville, Penna. with a pic of fire house in the center all in blue lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4” diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Phoenixville, Pa #1 Friendship #2 Fire Companies Double Housing July 19 1969
$7.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Phoenix #1/Friendship #2 Fire Co’s…Double Housing..July 19, 1969…Phoenixville, PA with a fire truck in center all in red lettering. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″” high x 2 1/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Pioneer Hose Company Number 1 Building Dedication May 20 1972
$9.99Glass Mug….(front & back) Pioneer Hose Co. #1 Bldg Dedication, May 20, 1972 in red lettering with a pic of 2 fire trucks parked in garage. Mug measures approximately 3″ diameter (top) x 6 1/2″ high x 3 1/2″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Pioneer Steam Fire Company #1 100th Anniversary Ephrata PA 1888-1988
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Pioneer Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1..Ephrata, PA..100th Anniversary all in green lettering with pic of yellow old steam fire engine in center (1888-1988). (back) 68th Annual Convention, June 4th, 1988..Lancaster County Firemens Association..Host -Pioneer Fire Co., Ephrata, PA with pic of firemen’s logo in center with ” Lancaster County Firemens Assn. Inc.” all in red. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 3/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Port Carbon Pa.Schuylkill Firemens Convention 25th Annual
$9.99Glass Mug… 25th Annual Schuylkill County Firemens Convention….Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 1979. Good will Fire Co. No. 1, 100th Anniversary. Muf measures approximately 3 1/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/4″ high x 3 3/4″ diameter (bottom. This piece is part of a large collection of firemen’s mugs. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.
Clear Mug:Port Norris Fire Co. No. 1 Housing
$9.99Glass Mug….(front ) “Port Norris Fire Co. No.1…Housing..1000 G.P.M. Imperial Custom…July 24, 1971 with a fire truck pic in center all in red lettering. (back) July 24, 1971..Port Norris, NJ with firemen’s logo pic in center with “Port Norris Fire Co.” in center all in red. Mug measures approximately 2 3/4″ diameter (top) x 5 1/2″ high x 2 1/4″ diameter bottom. This mug is part of a large collection. No cracks or chips. Used and in good condition.