
Showing 10711–10740 of 11410 results

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  • VHS:Kids Barney’s All Aboard for Sharing 1996


    VHS Barney’s All Aboard for Sharing 1996

    While Barney waits for a surprise, B.J. and Baby Bop keep hearing trains that disappear before they can get to see them. The trains, however, leave gifts that B.J. and Baby Bop learn to share. The lesson is a good one, and the train mystery has some happy intrigue to it. There’s also a bonus when Barney’s surprise turns out to be a storyteller.
    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Alphabet Zoo Sing-Along Ages 1-8 (1994)


    VHS: Barney’s Alphabet Zoo Sing-Along Ages 1-8

    Originally aired on television as “the Alphabet Zoo” Learning can be terrific fun when Barney and his classroom friends, Shawn, Julie, Tina and Derek use letters to imagine an Alphabet Animal Zoo. Their pretend zoo is a very special place whtere children can imitate animals, play animal guessing games and sing about camels, kokaburras and tigers. The group is joined by two new visitors: Julie’s Aunt Molly who tells a silly story using animal sounds and Jason, who shows the group how to say “I love you” in sign language. Songs and Rhymes: Barney Theme Song, Animals in Motion, Down by the Station, Sally the Camel, Kookaburra, My Aunt Came Back, Tiger Song, Alphabet Song and I Love You. ?1994 The Lyons Group.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Barney Goes to School 1992


    VHS Barney’s Barney Goes to School 1992
    Is your toddler nervous about starting kindergarten or preschool?
    Then this is the video to watch. One Saturday, Barney’s friend Tina
    wishes she could take Barney to school with her, to show him all the fun
    things she learns every day. And suddenly, with a little help from Barney,
    she’s at school! Together, Tina and her friends take Barney through the daily school
    routine–from greeting to exercising, reading the calendar, checking the weather,
    and then exploring the room. The children take Barney around the room to each learning
    center and show him what they do there. Children’s demonstrations are punctuated with songs
    kids can sing along to. School looks like a lot of fun to Barney by the end of the day.
    Watching this a time or two should take the fear out of school, and will
    also help children know what to expect in their classroom environment and routine.
    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Magical Musical Adventure 1992


    VHS Barney’s Magical Musical Adventure 1992
    Some of Barney’s friends are building a sand castle, and the Purple One treats them to a magical tour of a real one. The day is full of wondrous horses, a dance around the maypole, a tea party, a meeting with the king, and a visit with Twynkle the elf. Songs in this imaginative special include “Castles So High” and “Polly Put the Kettle On.”
    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Musical Scrapbook 1997


    VHS Barney’s Musical Scrapbook 1997
    This collection covers some 14 songs taken from other shows, including “Mr. Sun,” “My Kite,”
    “The Barney Bag,” “Number Limbo,” and of course, “I Love You.” For die-hard Barney fans only
    (since this material can be found elsewhere),
    or for the casual watcher looking for an ad-hoc greatest hits collection.

    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Night Before Christmas (1999)


    VHS: Barney’s Night Before Christmas (1999)

    Still NEW in shrink wrap…Barney’s Night Before Christmas…57 minutes….ages 1-8…Never seen on TV…It’s an unbelievable Christmas Eve as Barney, BJ. and Baby Bop take their friends on a musical journey to the North Pole and bring them face to face with Santa Claus! The excitment builds as Santa leads his guests on a once-in-a-lifetime tour of his brightly decorated home. The children discover his antique music box, see amazing displays of his favorite toys and climb aboard his train for an incredible ride. When Mrs. Claus notices that the elves need help finishing up the last minute Christmas chores, she escorts the group to Santa’s Toy Factory. Join BJ, Baby Bop and the children as they wait patiently to hear the sounds of sleighbells and share in the most magical night of the year with Barney!

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Rock With Barney 1992


    VHS Barney’s Rock With Barney 1992
    Barney and the Backyard Gang have a musical fantasy with an environmental theme.
    There’s a lot of pomp, flag waving, and cute sets (including a Hawaiian scene),
    and even a moment that looks like the opening of Patton.
    Songs include “Protect Our Earth” and “Me and My Teddy.”

    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Barney’s Shapes & Colors All Around 1993


    VHS Barney’s Shapes & Colors All Around 1993

    An all-new feature full of fun and creativity where you can learn about shapes, colors and sing along with Barney and his friends!

    running time 30 min
    NO CASE.

  • VHS:Kids Beatrix Potter The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends 3 VHS boxed set(1993)


    Beatrix Potter The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends 3 VHS boxed set(1993)
    Classic Beatrix Potter, sure to be loved by young ones. The set includes:

    The Tale of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin Bunny,
    The Tales of Samuel Whiskers. The Tale of Tom Kitten & Jemima Puddleduck,
    The Tailor of Gloucester. The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy Winkle & Mr. Jeremy Fisher,
    The Tales of Pigling Bland.

    All tapes are in working order, cases are clean and in excellent condition.
    Classics sure to enhance any youngsters movie library. Excellent condition

  • VHS:Kids Big Job (VHS 1995)


    Big Job (VHS 1995)

    This is a great kid video. points out every truck or piece of
    large equipment we see and can tell me what it’s used for. It’s a great
    vocabulary builder..
    The animation segments are stupid, but they’re short and the rest of the video is outstanding.

    In good used condition..

  • VHS:Kids Bionicle: Mask of Light (VHS, 2003)


    Bionicle: Mask of Light (VHS, 2003)
    Set on the mystical island of Mata Nui, BIONICLE is a CGI animated feature
    that follows a young hero as he struggles to save his dying world with the help of a couple of
    friends and the guidance of the mysterious Mask of Light. Sent on a dangerous journey by the mask,
    the companions must band together to fulfill ancient prophecies and make sure that evil does not prevail.

    In good used condition..

  • VHS:Kids Bob the Builder Bob Saves the Day (2001)


    VHS Bob the Builder – Bob Saves the Day (2001)
    Super construction worker Bob the Builder? is here to save the day!
    And his helpful crew of machines wants to help! When Spud accidentally
    knocks off his nose, can Muck and Dizzy sniff out a replacement nose? Who knows?
    Maybe a mole in a hole. Then, it?s Bob to the rescue when Roley the steamroller
    becomes a runaway “sleep roller.” Can Bob rescue Roley before he flattens the town?
    Can Bob save a family of porcupines from being flattened? Can Bob fix everything? It?s no prob
    for Bob, the can-do construction worker who always saves the day! Approx. Run Time: 45 minutes

  • VHS:Kids Bob The Builder Bob’s Big Plan (2005)


    VHS Bob The Builder:Bob’s Big Plan (2005)
    Every big project, every big adventure, begins with a big
    plan! Bob the Builder is about to take on his biggest project ever in the all-new
    series Bob the Builder ? Project: Build It — he?s building a whole new town from the ground up! Before
    he breaks ground, find out how it all began in Bob?s Big Plan, the story behind the new series, plus see the
    first two episodes in the new series: Bob’s Fresh Start and Lofty’s Shelter!
    It?s the blueprint for the building job unlike any other! Can they build it?
    Approx. Run Time: 50 minutes

  • VHS:KIDS BOB THE BUILDER Bob’s White Christmas


    BOB THE BUILDER Bob’s White Christmas VHS Tape
    Santa Bob is dreaming of a white Christmas,but along with the snow and the ice comes an avalanche
    of problems.
    In his first-ever Ho-ho-ho-holiday show.Bob celebrates by trimming the tree,delivering
    Christmas presents and enjoying a snowball fight.But when the Big Freeze hits. Bob and Scoop
    must snowplow a path to a snowbound Farmer Pickles.Than Spud is one scared scarecrow when he discovers a
    mysterious Snow Monster (Don’t worry-Its only a snow-dizzy) Finally Bob and his friends demonstrate the
    true spirit of the season when they rescue some hungry ducks and homeless hedgehogs.Along the way Bob and his crew
    learn that sometimes the best gift is a helping hand from a friend.
    in good used condition..

  • VHS:Kids Bob the Builder Build It and They Will Come 2005


    VHS Bob the Builder Build It and They Will Come 2005
    Includes the episodes “Dizzy and the Talkie Talkie,” “Scoop’s Recruit,” “Where’s Robert?,” “Wendy’s Welcome,” and
    “Roley’s New Friend.” Standard; Soundtrack: English; DVD-ROM content; featurettes; games; more.

    Approx. Run Time: 50 minutes

  • VHS:Kids Bob the Builder Busy Bob & Silly Spud (2001)


    VHS Bob the Builder – Busy Bob & Silly Spud (2001)
    Spud, the mischievous scarecrow, is having a prankfest. It’s going to take Bob and
    all of his friends to make sure that Spud doesn’t get too out of control. Playing tricks can be funny
    … until they backfire. It’s a good thing Bob and friends are on hand..
    Running time 45 min

  • VHS:Kids Bob The Builder Help Is on the Way 2005


    VHS Bob The Builder:Help Is on the Way 2005
    Scoop the Disco Digger: Scoop is busy helping Bob and doesn?t have time to
    learn to dance for a special dance display. Will he be able to turn hi digging
    skills into disco dance moves? Trix and the Bug: Bob is hard at work building a
    new movie theater! When Trix borrows the model bug used to promote the move, The
    Invasion of the Giant Bug!, she becomes quite a pest to Spud. Spud?s Statue: Bob
    is busy building a pavilion for the flower show where a new statue will be unveiled.
    Watch what happens when Spud breaks the statue and makes a replacement using Bob?s tools!
    Skip?s Big Idea: Scoop suggests renovating the Old Mill for an art exhibition. But, when
    Skip tries to have a good idea like Scoop, Ski?s actions leave Bob hanging around waiting
    for help! Muck?s Surprise: Mr. Bentley asks Bob to build a summer house so he can surprise
    Mrs. Bentley for their 25th wedding anniversary.
    Can Muck keep it a secret from Mrs. Bentley?
    Approx. Run Time: 50 minutes

  • VHS:Kids Bob the Builder Muck’s Favorite Adventures (2001)


    VHS Bob the Builder – Muck’s Favorite Adventures (2001)
    Racing Muck! (never before seen episode): While carrying a load of tiles, Muck is deployed by Spud–
    and the tiles are accidentally broken. Fortunately, Muck is more careful when she later uncovers an old
    vase on the site of an ancient amphitheatre. Muck is thrilled to receive a commemorative plaque for her
    important archaeological discovery.
    Mucky Muck: Muck isn’t looking forward to having mud washed off her–especially since she loves being “mucky.
    ” Fortunately, she stays muddy a little longer when she is called to rescue Travis. After the rescue, Muck gets
    into a mud fight with Dizzy before being forced to take a good bath.
    Bob’s Barnraising: It’s a race against time for Bob’s team to repair Farmer Pickles’ barn before it collapses
    –and get the hay in before the storm hits. When Muck comes to the rescue, she helps Farmer Pickles load the hay–
    in spite of Spud’s mischievous antics.
    Muck’s Monster: Wendy can’t figure out how Bob can sleep through the noise of the machines playing outside.
    Meanwhile, while working on a blocked drain, Muck is spooked by noises from the drain. Dizzy convinces her
    that it’s a “drain monster,” but when Muck accidentally fixes the drain, the “monster” disappears.
    35 min

  • VHS:Kids Bob The Builder Teamwork 2009 & Bonus One Never Seen On TV


    VHS Bob The Builder: Teamwork 2009 & Bonus One Never Seen On TV
    Bob the Builder gets the job done with help from the entire team, including Wendy,
    the machines and even the pets! Although Scoop is so busy helping others that he misses the town’s
    snowman-building contest, the whole town teams up to make him a winner. Dizzy rounds up the crew to
    finish building Farmer Pickles’ barn and Wendy gives Dizzy and Trix a hand with bricklaying.–
    Bonus-Bob’s egg and spoon race –Bob and the Goolie-Plus 2 Mini adventures-Sporty Spud-Bobs spring cleaning.
    Approx. Run Time: 44 minutes Plus 25 min on bonus tape
    1 Tape only

  • VHS:Kids Bob The Builder Tool Power! 2003


    VHS Bob The Builder: Tool Power! 2003
    Spud pretends to be the building inspector, causing confusion all around town.
    Following the trail of building certificates issued by thte mischievous scarecrow,
    bob finally tracks down Spud, only to find him stucck in wet cement! It’s a good thing
    Bob has the tools to rescue Spud!
    Approx. Run Time: 46 minutes

  • VHS:Kids Bob The Builder When Bob Became A Builder 2004 never Seen On Tv


    VHS Bob The Builder: When Bob Became A Builder 2004
    Bob the Builder and his can-do crew can build just about anything!
    Like any great builder, he had to start with a dream, the right tools… and the right team!
    From his very first brick to his latest plan, it’s the sotry of Bob from boy to builder!
    Approx. Run Time: 50 minutes

  • VHS:Kids Bugs Bunny What’s Up Dr Animated Classics (VHS 1994)


    Bugs Bunny What’s Up Dr Animated Classics (VHS 1994)
    All this & rabbit stew-bunny mooning-spirit of America-The tortoise & the hare.
    in good used condition

  • VHS:Kids Cartoon Citcus Vol 2 (VHS 1987)


    Cartoon Citcus Vol 2 (VHS 1987)
    An itch at a time-Talkin’Magpies-Heckle & Jeckle-Prest-O Change-O-Bugs Bunny-Robin Hood Makes Good ..

    in good used condition

  • VHS:Kids Christmas Circus Peace on Earth(VHS 1990)


    Christmas Circus Peace on Earth(VHS 1990)
    and other Christmas classics.Christmas Circus-A Christmas offering-I wanna be a sailer(Popeye)
    Yankee doodle Daffy(Daffy Duck).12 days of Christmas.

    In good used condition

  • VHS:Kids Cinderella 1965


    VHS Cinderella 1965
    Disney’s adaptation of the beloved fairy tale became a classic in its own right,
    thanks to some memorable tunes (including “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes,
    ” “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo,” and the title song) and some endearingly cute comic relief.
    We all know the story–the wicked stepmother and stepsisters simply won’t have it, this uppity
    Cinderella thinking she’s going to a ball designed to find the handsome prince an appropriate sweetheart,
    but perseverance, animal buddies, and a well-timed entrance by a fairy godmother make sure things turn out all right.
    There are a few striking sequences of pure animation–for example, Cinderella is reflected in bubbles drifting through
    the air–and the design is rich and evocative throughout. It’s a simple story padded here agreeably with comic business,
    particularly Cinderella’s rodent pals (dressed up conspicuously like the dwarf sidekicks of another famous Disney heroine)
    and their misadventures with a wretched cat named Lucifer. There’s also much harrumphing and exposition spouting by the King
    and the Grand Duke. It’s a much simpler and more graceful work than the more frenetically paced animated films of today,
    which makes it simultaneously quaint and highly gratifying
    Case show wear-color 76 booklet cover.

  • VHS:Kids Circus Cartoons Bugs Bunny Vol. 1 1986


    VHS Circus Cartoons Bugs Bunny Vol. 1 1986
    Fresh Hare
    Falling Hare
    Case of the Missing Hare
    Wabbit who came to supper
    running time 30 min

  • VHS:Kids Debby Boone’s Hug-A-Long Songs Vol 1 VHS 1989


    Debby Boone’s Hug-A-Long Songs Vol 1 VHS 1989
    Singer/actress Debby Boone guides you and your children through this enchanting musical odyssey that
    celebrates the special moments and happy times that make childhood momemorable and full of fun.

    Backed bya delightful children’s chorus, Debby tells your little ones-in song-just important
    they really are. She sings about the wonders of life, the value of love, the thrill of growing up
    …even the simple joys of owning a favorite toy or having a sing-a-long with friend.

    Each HUG-A-LONG SONG is a treasure that will delight the ears of children and grownups alike.
    And they’re all wrapped up in lively music videos in which a group of playful youngsters romp through
    childhoods most cherished locales…playgrounds, swimming pools, treehouses-even school! your young ones will
    sing and dance along to the rich variety of HUG-A-LONG song styles: spirited uptempo tunes, heartwarming ballads,
    country ….even Jamaican-flavored Calypso!35 min in good used condition the box show wear.

  • VHS:Kids Disney Sing Along Songs VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS VHS volume 8 Mickey Mouse


    Disney Sing Along Songs VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS VHS volume 8 Mickey Mouse
    Features such beloved holiday songs as “Deck the Halls,” “Silent Night,”
    “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” and nine others,
    all performed to the animated antics of the Disney characters.
    running time about 27 min/color . Box not in the best condition.

  • VHS:Kids Disney Witcheroo Vol 3 (VHS 1981?)


    Disney Witcheroo Vol 3 (VHS 1981?)
    Darkwing Duck and Chip ‘n’ Dale in a spooky double feature:
    1. “Ghoul of My Dreams” and 2. “Good Times, Bat Times.”.NO SLEEVE

    in good used condition

  • VHS:Kids Disney’s Sing Along Songs – Song of the South: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (VHS, 1993)


    Disney’s Sing Along Songs – Song of the South: Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (VHS, 1993)
    A collection of the songs and scenes from Walt Disney’s great classics.
    Included are favorites from PETER PAN, CINDERELLA, and SONG OF THE SOUTH.

    In good used condition..
