Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Dessert Bowl 4 3/8
$4.50Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge:::This is a dessert bowl, rim measures about a 4 3/8" diameter::::1 5/8" high discounted 30%:::Color variance and factory defects no chips or cracks:::: Circa 1950 – 1987
Often called Brown Drip – the red in photos is a reflection and is not on the actual pieces -
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Dinner Plate- 10 1/8″
$19.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge:::This is a Dinner Plate that measures about a 10 1/8″; diameter:::has some scratch marks in the center from being used and some are a little darker in color so we have discounted the price otherwise in::::: good condition:::::Circa 1950 – 1987
Often called Brown Drip – the red in photos is a reflection and is not on the actual pieces -
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Fruit Bowl 4 3/4
$7.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge:::This is a Fruit Bowl, rim measures about a 4 5/8" diameter::::1 1/2" tall::::::: good condition:::::
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Gravy Boat & Plate
$23.98Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::Gravy Boat with Handle and Under plate::::Boat is an open handle with pour spout on either side::::3 3/4" tall::::plate is a 6 3/4" diameter:::::: good condition::::Circa 1950 – 1987
Often called Brown Drip – the red in photos is a reflection and is not on the actual pieces -
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Gravy Boat Underplate
$2.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Gravy Boat Underplate Only 6 3/4" in diameter.no chips or cracks….Circa 1950 – 1987
Often called Brown Drip – the red in photos is a reflection and is not on the actual pieces -
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Individual Casserole NO Lid
$6.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::..Individual Casserole NO Lid Lug Handles.5 1/4″ from handle to handle and about 2″ high .. No chips or cracks..
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Individual Casserole with Lid
$11.50Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::..Individual Casserole with Lid Lug Handles.5 1/4″ from handle to handle and about 3″ high to the top of the knob on the lid.. No chips or cracks..
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Lazy Susan 5 pc Set,Bowls and Holder
$49.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::This is a dark brown plastic 14" lazy susan there are three rounded 11 1/2" by about 4" and 1 3/4" high side section dishes that set flat on the lazy susan, and a 5 1/2" in dimeter and 2" high bowl in the center… this is a wonderful server:::5 pieces in all, lazy susan, bowl and three side dishes::::: good condition:::Circa 1950 – 1987
Often called Brown Drip – the red in photos is a reflection and is not on the actual pieces -
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Lid Only 4 1/2"
$3.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Lid Only 4 1/2" factory defect on inside rim.
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Mug Only Closed Handle
$12.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Mug Only Closed 1 figer Handle…3 1/2" in diameter 3 1/2" high. no chips or cracks
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Mug Only Closed Handle
$12.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Mug Only Closed 2 finger Handle…3 1/2" in diameter 3 5/8" high. no chips or cracks…
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Oval Vegetable Dish Bowl10"
$24.50Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Veg Oval dish 10" with handles 1 1/2" high
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Pitcher/bowl Bowl Only
$49.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Pitcher/bowl Bowl Only….14" in diameter and 3" high.no chips or cracks
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Rimmed Soup Bowl
$28.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::..Rimmed soup bowl 8 5/8″ in diameter and about 1 1/2″ high..No chips or cracks..
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Salad Plate
$7.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge:::This is a Salad Plate that measures about a 6 3/4″ to 6 7/8″ diameter:::::::: good condition:::No chips or cracks::
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Salad Plate 50%off
$3.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge:::This is a Salad Plate that measures about a 6 7/8" diameter the plates do have a great amount of color varience and some factory defects, but no chips or crackes..
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Saucer 50%Off
$1.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown Saucer 6 1/4" in diameter.Variance in color and factory defects. 50%off. No chips or cracks
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Small Oval Casserole Bowl
$19.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::..Small Oval casserole 7 3/4″ by 5 3/8″ and about 1 7/8″ high.No chips or cracks..
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Sugar Bowl Only
$4.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::Brown Drip Design on Edge::::Sugar Bowl ONLY no lid ,two open handles::::::good condition:::::
Pfaltzgraff:Gourmet-Brown Warmer Stand ONLY
$49.99Pfaltzgraff Gourmet-Brown by Pfaltzgraff China:::This is the warmer stand that is to keep casserole covered dish warm:8" in diameter::::also good with large bowl for nacho cheese, etc.::::::good condition:::::
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Bud Vase
$17.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Bud vase 2 1/8″ in diameter. at the top 6 1/4″ high.. No chips or cracks over all in good used condition…
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Coffee
$24.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom
GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Coffee canister 7 1/2 ” in diameter and about 9 ” high with the lid on.. No chips or cracks in good used condition.. -
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Coffee
$24.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Coffee canister 7 1/2 ” in diameter and about 9 ” high with the lid on.. No chips or cracks in good used condition..
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Flour
$44.75Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom
GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Flour canister 8 1/2″ in diameter and about 10″ high with the lid on.. one small factory defect on the outside rim.. No chips or cracks in good used condition.. -
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Flour
$39.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Flour canister 8 1/2″ in diameter and about 10″ high with the lid on.. one small chip on the rim of canister and one large crack on the lid (lid has been glued)very useable as a canister for flour..
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Sugar
$39.99Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Sugar Canister ..Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::This canister has a defect and a chip on the rim..No cracks..
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Sugar
$39.99Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Sugar Canister ..Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::No chips or cracks in good use condition..
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Canister Tea
$18.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom
GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Tea canister 7 ” in diameter and about 6″ high with the lid on.. one small factory defect and 3 very small chips on the outside rim.. No cracks overall in good used condition.. -
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Creamer
$11.99Pfaltzgraff China Pattern Heirloom GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996::Creamer 5 ” from spout to handle and about 4 1/4 ” high .. No chips or cracks in good used condition..
Pfaltzgraff:Heirloom Cup
$5.99Pattern: HEIRLOOM by PFALTZGRAFF CHINA Description: GRAY&WHITE FLOWERS,SCALLOPED,GRAY VERGE, charming cup with a gazebo shape were made from 1983-1996:::::measures about 3 1/8" tall with a 3 1/2" diameter:::::