Harmony House:Mandarin Soup Bowl
$10.49Harmony House China Mandarin…Description: Pink/Green Leaves,Gold Verge, Gold Trim ..Marked on the back show some wear to the gold inner ring..
.Coupe Soup Bowl 7 5/8″ in diameter.and 1 1/2″ high.No chips or cracks over all in good used condition… -
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Butter Dish Lid ONLY
$6.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes…………… Butter Dish Lid only 5 5/8″ lenght, 2 3/8″ width, 2″ height, good condition
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Cereal Bowl Defect
$4.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes …………..Cereal Bowl 6 " Diameter,2" depth, crazed glaze, with factory defect on rim
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Coffee Pot with Lid
$35.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes…………………. Coffee pot with lid..10 1/8" height with Lid, 4 1/4 diameter, good condition with little use.
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Cup & Saucer
$12.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes………….. Cups 2 7/8" Diameter, 3 2/16" Depth; Saucer 6 1/8" no chips or cracks good condition..
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Cup & Saucer Defects
$10.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes…………………. Cup and Saucer Cup 2 7/8" Diameter, 3 2/16" Depth; Saucer 6 1/8" small wear chips on bottom of cups
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Dinner Plate Defect
$9.99Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes……………. Dinner Plate 10 9/16" Diameter, crazed glaze no chips or cracks..
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Luncheon Plate Chipped
$4.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes………Luncheon Plate 7 1/2" diameter, small chip on rim
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Oval Vegetable Bowl
$10.00Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes…………Oval Vegetable.. 6 1/2″ lenght, 3 7/16″ width, 2 1/2″ depth, good condition.
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Round Platter or Chop Plate
$19.99Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes……… Round Platter 11 15/16" Diameter, Scratches from use no chips or cracks..good used condition..
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Round Vegtable Bowl
$12.99Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes……. Round Vegetable Bowl.. 9 2/16" stratches from use. No chips or cracks good used condition..
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Salt & Pepper Shakers
$19.99Harmony House – Tierra 4251, Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes…………..Salt and Pepper Shakers.. Salt Shaker 1 3/4" Diameter, 4 3/4" Height with rounded top. Pepper Shaker 1 3/4" Diameter 4 3/8" Height with rounded top Holes form the letter "P". Wear scratches. no chips or cracks good used condition..
Harmony House:Tierra 4251 Saucer Only
$2.50Harmony House – Tierra 4251,Made in Japan Brown & yellow stripes……. Saucer Only.. 6 1/8" Diameter good conditiion..
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) [Paperback]
$3.99Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) [Paperback]
The Dursleys were so mean that hideous that summer that all Harry Potter
wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
. But just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange,
impish creature named Dobby who says
that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike.
And strike it does. For in Harry’s second year at Hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise,
including an outrageously stuck-up new professor, Gilderoy Lockheart, a spirit named Moaning
Myrtle who haunts the girls’ bathroom, and the unwanted attentions of Ron Weasley’s younger sister, Ginny.
But each of these seem minor annoyances when the real trouble begins, and someone–or something–starts
turning Hogwarts students to stone. Could it be Draco Malfoy, a more poisonous rival than ever? Could it
possibly be Hagrid, whose mysterious past is finally told? Or could it be the one everyone at Hogwarts most suspects
…Harry Potter himself?–book is yellowing and has bended corners copyright 1999 fair condition.. -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [Hardcover] 2000
$14.99Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [Hardcover] 2000
734 pages—-
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling offers up
equal parts danger and delight–and any number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges.
Now 14, her orphan hero has only two more weeks with his Muggle relatives before returning to Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Yet one night a vision harrowing enough to make his lightning-bolt-shaped scar burn
has Harry on edge and contacting his godfather-in-hiding, Sirius Black. Happily, the prospect of attending the season’s
premier sporting event, the Quidditch World Cup, is enough to make Harry momentarily forget that Lord Voldemort and his
sinister familiars–the Death Eaters–are out for murder.
Readers, we will cast a giant invisibility cloak over any more plot and reveal only that You-Know-Who is very much
after Harry and that this year there will be no Quidditch matches between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.
Instead, Hogwarts will vie with two other magicians’ schools, the stylish Beauxbatons and the icy Durmstrang, in a Triwizard
Tournament. Those chosen to compete will undergo three supreme tests. Could Harry be one of the lucky contenders?
But Quidditch buffs need not go into mourning: we get our share of this great game at the World Cup. Attempting to go
incognito as Muggles, 100,000 witches and wizards converge on a “nice deserted moor.” As ever, Rowling magicks up the details
that make her world so vivid, and so comic. Several spectators’ tents, for instance, are entirely unquotidian. One is a minipalace,
complete with live peacocks; another has three floors and multiple turrets. And the sports paraphernalia on offer includes rosettes
“squealing the names of the players” as well as “tiny models of Firebolts that really flew, and collectible figures of famous players,
which strolled across the palm of your hand, preening themselves.” Needless to say, the two teams are decidedly different, down to their
mascots. Bulgaria is supported by the beautiful veela, who instantly enchant everyone–including Ireland’s supporters–over to their side.
Until, that is, thousands of tiny cheerleaders engage in some pyrotechnics of their own: “The leprechauns had
risen into the air again, and this time, they formed a giant hand, which was making a very rude sign indeed at the
veela across the field.”
Long before her fourth installment appeared, Rowling warned that it would be darker, and it’s true that every
exhilaration is equaled by a moment that has us fearing for Harry’s life, the book’s emotions running as deep as its dangers.
Along the way, though, she conjures up such new characters as Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, a Dark Wizard catcher who may or may not
be getting paranoid in his old age, and Rita Skeeter, who beetles around Hogwarts in search of stories. (This Daily
Prophet scoop artist has a Quick-Quotes Quill that turns even the most innocent assertion into tabloid innuendo.)
And at her bedazzling close, Rowling leaves several plot strands open, awaiting book 5. This fan is ready to wager
that the author herself is part veela–her pen her wand, her commitment to her world complete. (Ages 9 and older)
–Kerry Fried -
Harvest Time:Brown Bread & Butter Plate
$5.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves Scalloped., .Bread and butter plate 6 1/4″ in diameter No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvest Time:Brown Mug
$19.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves Scalloped., .Mug 3 3/8″ in diameter and about 3 3/8″ high ..No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvest Time:Brown Sugar Bowl ONLY
$29.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves Scalloped., .Sugar bowl 4″ in diameter and about 2 3/4″ high NO LID No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvest Time:Brown 3 Cups & Saucers Chips
$9.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves Scalloped., 3 Cups and Saucers ..Cup 3 5/8″ in diameter and about 2 3/8″ high..Saucer 5 1/2″ in diameter All have chip/chips one cup with a chip and a crack Great for crafts,Buying as is condition..
Harvest Time:Brown Cup & Saucer
$9.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves Scalloped., Cup and saucer ..Cup 3 5/8″ in diameter and about 2 3/8″ high..Saucer 5 1/2″ in diameter No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvest Time:Brown Saucer
$3.75Johnson Brothers… Harvest Time… Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves… Scalloped.. Saucer 5 1/2″ in diameter No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvest Time:Brown Snack Plate & Cup Set
$17.99Johnson Brother Harvest Time Brown/Multicolor Fruit and Leaves .Snack Plate with cup -Plate 10 1/4″ in diameter, Cup 3 5/8″ in diameter and about 2 3/8″ high..Plate marked on the bottom Harvest Time made in England A Genuine Hand Engraving Johnson Bros All decoration under the glaze permanent & acid resisting color Pat N9164001 No chips or cracks in good use condition
Harvey Comics:Little Dot 1963 Vol.1 #89
$8.00Harvey Comics-Little Dot 1963 Vol.1 #89…comic is in fair condition for its age….with backboard and plastic cover
Hasboro Electronic Handheld Heads-Up Bop-It Toy
$19.99Hasboro Electronic Handheld Heads-Up Toy. Heads Up is similar to the phenomenally popular “Bop-It” series but designed with younger kids in mind. The game unit itself is small and consists of a happy face with buttons that pop out of place. The object, of course, is to put them back into place as quickly as possible. Though fast-paced, it’s not overly complicated. Kids ages 5 and older should be able to have fun while avoiding the frustration of learning rules. Heads Up allows for solo or multiple player fun. While admittedly designed for younger kids, I myself seemed to almost always play with the kids! In good, used condition.
Haviland Limoges:Michelle Creamer new
$19.99Haviland Limoges:Michelle Creamer new Description: Limoges France, Blue Flowers Pattern: Michelle by Haviland Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1967 – 1980 2 1/4″ in diameter and 3 1/2″ high new in the plastic
Haviland Limoges:Michelle Dinner Plate new
$19.99Haviland Limoges:Michelle Dinner Plate new Description: Limoges France, Blue Flowers Pattern: Michelle by Haviland Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1967 – 1980 10 1/4″ in diameter new in the plastic
Haviland Limoges:Michelle Salad Plate new
$8.99Haviland Limoges:Michelle Salad Plate new Description: Limoges France, Blue Flowers Pattern: Michelle by Haviland Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1967 – 1980 7 1/2″ in diameter new Most in the plasic
Haviland Limoges:Michelle Soup Bowl new
$45.99Haviland Limoges:Michelle Soup Bowl new Description: Limoges France, Blue Flowers Pattern: Michelle by Haviland Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1967 – 1980 7 3/4″ in diameter new Most in the plasic
Haviland Limoges:Michelle Sugar Bowl with Lid new
$45.99Haviland Limoges:Michelle Sugar Bowl with Lid new Description: Limoges France, Blue Flowers Pattern: Michelle by Haviland Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1967 – 1980 2 3/4″ in diameter and 4″ high to top of knot on lid new
Hazel Atlas Moderntone Cobalt Blue Champagne/Tall Sherbet
$9.99Hazel Atlas Moderntone Cobalt Blue Champagne/Tall Sherbet 3 1/8 in high diameter 3 3/4 in Pressed/Pat Gls, Depression Glss Crafted In United States No chips or cracks in good used condition