The World of Tom Clark VCR tape.. 1987 Colr 30 Minutes..NEW SEALED.." The world of Tom Clark is very large , and very small," begins the new documentary video of Cairn Studio’s renowned sculptor Dr. Thomas Fetzer Clark. Collectors from every corner of the United States tresure his wondrous sculpures of "wee folk"– Gnomes. Woodspirit,Mountaineers. miniature people, and the True Builders of America. This is an opportunity to see Dr. Clark at work in his studio, to watch the creation of Hyke II, and to learn the thoughts and philosiphy that Dr. Clark brings to each of his sculptures. Walk with him around the gounds of his Davidson, North Carolina home. Visit his Blue Ridge Mountain retreat, and listen to his magical tales about his spirited and special creations. Weather you have been a collector for years, or are just learning of Dr. Clark’s work, you will enjoy a unique look at this gentle and talented man..Cover: Poster by David Teague..
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