SiFi-Star Trek "Amok Time" Episode 34

SiFi-Star Trek "Amok Time" Episode 34


Handling Charges: $1.35

Beta Tape Star Trek Episode 34…Amok Time…60040-34…Color 51 min…..Starring, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Guest Stars, Celia Lovsky, Arelen Martel, Lawrence Montaigne and Featuring Deforest Kelly…. "Amoke Time" Stardate:3372.7 It s Spock s time of pon farr – the Vulcan mating cycle. McCoy informs Kirk that Spock will Die unless they divert to Valcan, his hgome planet, immediately! There, T Pring (Arlean Martel) Spock s arranged bride, chosses the rite of combat, forcing Spock to fight to death for her. But she selects Kirk as her champion! Airdate: September 15, 1967

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Weight 16 oz