Political Asylum Board Game 1993

Political Asylum Board Game 1993


Handling Charges: $1.5

Political Asylum Board Game 1993!Windbreaker Entertainment, Artwork By Mike Snavely .. Players 2-6..Age politically Aware to Adult.. Rules-Game Board-2 Dice-5 Movers-Play Money-Play Food Stamps-Opportunity Cards-Liberal Cards-Conservative Cards-Fur,jewelry,Car and Children Cards-Certificate for politically Correct Social Activism-Calendar Counter-Gainfully Employed Indicators-1993 The players take turns rolling the dice, drawing cards, collecting money and moving strategically around the board. Players may buy cars to facilitate their movement. There are 2 sets of cards – Liberal, marked by a pink pig on the back of the black cards, and Conservative – marked by a white eagle on the back of the black cards. There are party elections, Welfare Certificates, Court Summons Cards (used to sue another player), lotteries, an Employment Agency, Food Stamps and various other unusual game play facets .. In good, used condition.

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SKU: 276_329_Games-Board_8693 Category: Tag:

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Weight 52 oz