Comedy-The Toy

Comedy-The Toy


Handling Charges: $1.35

The Toy…..Starring Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason…Rated PG/1982/ Color/116 minutes/BETA BE 10538…For the first time in motion picture history, the outrageous talent of Richard Pryor and the ingenious comedic sense of Jackie Gleason are combined in the same film….Gleason is U.S.Bates, a megalomaniac millionaire who owns most of south central Louisiana….Pryor is Jack Brown, a former journalist who has worked his way down the vocational ladder to the position of janitor in Bates Department Store……among Bates other vast holdings is a young son, Eric who visits his father for one week a year….typically Eric is chauffeured to the department store after hours to pick out anything he wants…..this time, Eric has a more elaborate toy in mind….Jack Brown….so begins the unique relationship that teaches Eric more about life than fun and games……..comes in a hard cardboard case with a plastic cover both the cover and tape in good condition.

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Weight 16 oz