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Beta Tape She-Devil Comedy…8752…. .Orion Home Video …Color…99mins…Starring…Meryl Streep and Roseanne Barr..also..Ed Begley Jr…Sylvia Miles and Linda Hunt… The story of the greatest evil ever known to man….His Ex-Wife! Love is hell. Espesially when you re Ruth Patchett (Roseanne Barr), a woeful wife who has had her fill of a cheating husband, a scheming mistress, and powdered donuts. So when her husband Bob (Ed Begley,Jr.) runs off with the gorgeous novelist Mary Fisher (Merly Streep), Ruth doesn t get mad- she gets evil. On a pad of things to do, she compiles a list of Bob s most important assests: Home, Family, Career, and Freedom and begins destory them one by one. Home is a cinch, everybody knows that tract-house wiring is slipshod and accidents will happen…The rest is the list will require the desmented, satanic, wickedness of a stranger – the stranger side of Ruth, the She-Devil!

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SKU: 19_45_Beta Video Tapes_396 Category: Tag:

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Weight 16 oz