Tom Clark Gnomes:Matthew -6009


Showing 1681–1710 of 1901 results

  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Matthew -6009


    The Gospel Writers Series… Matthew "His was one of the most despised occupations in Capernaum. As the tax collector for a foreign government, Levi was considered an enemy and a traitor by his fellow Jews. To some, this makes the story of his calling to become a disciple of Jesus all the more compelling. The Gospel of Matthew 9:9 records, in a very simple manner, his call by Jesus, and his response of unwavering faith: "And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him." With a bag of money and the Biblical passage to show the two disparate halves of Levi’s life, my statue seeks to portray the moment of his calling. The emotions of disbelief, joy and hope play across his face. He is in the traditional pose, based primarily on the oil painting by Caravaggio, "The Calling of St. Matthew." To signify this experience, Jesus bestowed upon Levi a new name – Matthew, which means "Gift of God." The engraving by Matthew’s name is part of the "Christ in Glory" from the Cathedral of Limoges. The "man with wings" is the traditional symbol for Matthew, as taken from Biblical imagery in both the Old and New Testaments. The first book of the Gospel closes with yet another affirmation of Matthew’s faith as he records Jesus’s words to the eleven disciples at Galilee: "Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."" Artist: Tom Clark Release Date: January, 1996 A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Mother With Love -5282


    MOTHER WITH LOVE Arwork Id: 5282 Artist: Tom Clark Released: January, 1996 Some things just naturally go together – horse with carriage, eggs with bacon, Gnomes with acorns, and mothers with love. She’s the one that loves us first and loves us best. "Mother with Love" will soon be joined by a companion piece, "Dad with Love." Like many of us do on special occasions, I’ve sent flowers to this loving mother – a fresh rose and three blossoms on the Japanese coin. But they are only a small symbol of what is in our hearts – that every day should be Mother’s Day! A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Mrs. Claus III -5059


    5059 MRS. CLAUS III – R 7/00/89 10/31/97 THOMAS F. CLARK Mrs. Clause III (August, 1988) Special Commission Mr. Clause is so good to everyone else, that it’s Mrs. Clause who is good to him. She’s been asking him all year to give up "that awful-smelling pipe." He promised her that for Christmas, he would. Her Christmas present to him, that she’s carefully stuffing into Santa’s stocking, is a brand new pipe. There’s a little bell on the base for Mrs. Clause’s first name. There’s also a package with Tom Clark’s name on it. I enjoy making this statue because Mrs. Clause had a Christmas present for me, too. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Mulligan -5007


    5007 MULLIGAN – R 7/00/89 3/31/98 THOMAS F. CLARK Mulligan (1987) Mulligan has just teed off, but his ball dribbled along the grass. He’s smiling because he knows he’ll have a least two shots—His first will be a Mulligan. In years past, Mulligan was the name of a potent mixture of spices and hot pepper seeds, offered free to tavern patrons for mixing with ones’s beer. Some golfers claim that accepting a free stroke has the same ruinous effect as drinking too much Mulligan. My little Mulligan is an Irishman. His lucky Irish coin was given to him by someone who also took a Mulligan. His coin pictures a hare because Irishman know that the best Mulligan stew has rabbit in it. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral 1 -5264


    5264 NUMERAL 1 – R 1/01/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK Numeral 1 #5264 ( December, 1994) Who else but a Woodspirit representing the number 1 could kick off my new Number Series? He is #1at many different pursuits so he wears a blue ribbon proudly on his chest. Even his Austrian coin has a big 1 on it. This is one Woodspirit who is just one-derful. If this little fellow has been ginen to you, it means you have won! A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral..0 -5276


    5276 NUMERAL 0 – R 1/01/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK (March,1995) Numeral 0 has got plenty of nothing–the little thermometer at his side is at zero degrees. That’s colder than Alphabet E’s Eskimo pies! Even his coin from Saudi Arabia has a zero on it..No wonder this little Woodspirit is dressed for cold weather in his earmuffs, scraf and winter cap. Still, he looks pretty chilly to me. How many more mimutes does Numeral 0 want to stay outside? Zip,Zero, Zilch! A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral..2 -5266


    5266 NUMERAL 2 – R 1/01/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK (February, 1995) One, two, buckle my shoe — look what Numeral 2 can do! At first it seemed that he was too little and that it it was too difficult. But he didn’t give up too soon — he tried it two more times and the acorn went through. I rewarded him with a coin from Austria that shows a large 2. Great job, numeral 2 — here’s 2 you. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral..3 -5270


    5270 NUMERAL 3 – R 1/01/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK ( February, 1995) There’s an old saying;"Three’s the charm." So this charming Woodspirit carries three roses and gives one to each of her three friends. Her coin is a 1922 3 pence from Great Britain. Her favorite shape is the triangle and her favorite food is a triple decker sandwich. She likes to hum"Three Blind Mice" and she loves three-day weekends. Like the other Numeral Woodspirits, she perches on a wooden block and proclims her favorite number. Three cheers for Numeral 3! A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral..5 -5269


    5269 NUMERAL 5 – R 3/21/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK ( February, 1995) Give me five! Numberal 5 is always happy to oblige. He loves basketball, a game with five players on each team. He and other Woodspirit basketball players like to exchange high fives when one of them makes a basket. Winning isn’t everything,but team spirit sure is! His coin (five pesos) is from Argentina. I’m not saying who Little 5’s favorite basketball player is. But he wears special sneakers with bird tracks on the soles, and with every step he takes, you know that a Bird went by. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Numeral..6 5272


    5272 NUMERAL 6 – R 3/21/96 10/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK (March, 1995) "One, Two, buckle may shoe; three, four, shut the door; five, six, pick up sticks." Numeral 6 is trying to pick up six sticks. But picking up sticks is a very hard trick when you’re wearing mittens! Mittens feel good on a cold winter’s day, as will the lovely fire Numeral 6 will build in his hearth as soon as he picks up those sticks! He has a six pence from Great Britain, a coin that brings good luck to brides when placed in their shoes. Maybe it will mean good luck for Little 6. He’s looking up from his task — perhaps he hears a helpful Gnome coming down the path. Or maybe he wants your help. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:R.N. -5193


    5193 R.N. -R 6/15/94 3/31/02 THOMAS F. CLARK R.N. by Tom Clark Cairn Studios & Tom Clark R.N. by Tom Clark "R.N. is a sight for sore eyes and a tonic for weary spirits. With dedication and compassion she cares for her patients and also cares about them. She dispenses cheer along with pills and capsules, and never runs out of patience for her patients. You might see her blush, for a patient has just told her, "You’re supposed to nurse me back to health, but instead you make my heart pound!" Her coin also brings comfort, for it’s good for one free wash!" Artist: Tom Clark Release Date: June, 1994

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Santa Baby -5096


    5096 SANTA BABY – R 7/01/93 4/01/97 THOMAS F. CLARK (Capricorn, 1990) The name derives from a remark made by every new parent at Christmas time:"This is Santa Baby." A ccollector from Waco, Texas gave me this baby bottle,lovingly used by his "preemie" in the hospital. Perhaps my Santa is the true size that Clement Moore had in mind when he wrote "The Night Before Christmas." Indeedm this Woodspirit is a right jolly old elf, and therefore has no coin. When Santa came down the chimney, he expected to find his usual milk and cookies. Instead, he found a baby bottle and a cookie already nibbled! That must have satisfied the mouse,because not a creature was stirring. Next to the bottle, Santa found this note: "Dear Santa, Since you are up, please give the 3 a.m. bottle to Baby." A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Slugger -5149


    5149 SLUGGER R 4/00/93 3/31/01 THOMAS F. CLARK Slugger (April, 1991) Slugger’s Friends; Yogi #5148 Cy #5147 (Selling as part of a set) Winter or summer, these three Woodspirits play baseball every day. Yogi, who has a bear behind him, is using his mitt as a chest protector. Like all good catchers, he wares his hat backwards. Rye seeds are scattered on the base, so he must be a catcher in the rye. His beard rests on his glove, because things get hairy for a catcher. Even so, his coin says "Fun For All." Standing at the plate is Slugger, holding his bat, waiting for the perfect pitch. His Irish coin has a hair on it, for he’ll have to run like one when circles the bases. On the pitcher’s mound is Cy, named for Cy Young (1867-1955), the number one pitcher of all time. You could say that he was mighty Young when he pitched. Cy’s coin is a game token, for all pitcher’s want to be credited with the game. Whether they make it to the play-offs or not, these Woodspirits know there is no better way to "passtime." A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Stanley -5279


    5279 STANLEY – R 1/01/96 3/31/00 THOMAS F. CLARK (May, 1995) Hey Stanley, what’s the score? Stanley is hockey’s biggest fan. When there’s a game to watch, he’s in hockey heaven. His favorite seat is right on this puck, for he’s always on top of his game. His playing days are pretty much over, but he still wears his helmet, just in case he’s needed on the ice. Hockey is the only major sport in which plaayers can be substituted while the game is in progress. And sure, he had his times in the penalty box,but it’s the goals he remembers the best. Stanley’s smiling although his mouth is closed, for he won the fight but lost his front teeth. Stanley’s penny is from Canada and shows two maple leaves, their national symbol, and more maple leaves support his puck. Hockey was developed in Ontaario and Nova Scotia in the 1800’s and it is Canada’s national sport. Hey, Stanley, is that an acorn mug in your hand? OH, that’s the Stanley cup! A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:Stormy -5230


    5230 STORMY – R ….. 1/01/96.. 3/31/99 THOMAS F. CLARK ( June, 1993) Who is the keeper of the light for the Woodspirit community? It’s Stormy wheather it’s rain or shine. He is ever ready to warn ships away from the treacherous rocks and currents along this section of coastline. Protected by his rain poncho and shell southwester,Stormy will flash the light and ring his bell. He placed a starfish atop his light and its shadow will appear on the rain clouds. His motto is " Be safe–follow the star." His coin is from the Bahamas and shows a lighthouse. Stormy’s friend Hark is a Woodspirit who is hard of hearing. Stormy doesn’t see as well as he used to.,but I think you can tell from his expression that another ship has been guided to safe harbor. A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:VCR Tape– The World Of Tom Clark


    The World of Tom Clark VCR tape.. 1987 Colr 30 Minutes..NEW SEALED.." The world of Tom Clark is very large , and very small," begins the new documentary video of Cairn Studio’s renowned sculptor Dr. Thomas Fetzer Clark. Collectors from every corner of the United States tresure his wondrous sculpures of "wee folk"– Gnomes. Woodspirit,Mountaineers. miniature people, and the True Builders of America. This is an opportunity to see Dr. Clark at work in his studio, to watch the creation of Hyke II, and to learn the thoughts and philosiphy that Dr. Clark brings to each of his sculptures. Walk with him around the gounds of his Davidson, North Carolina home. Visit his Blue Ridge Mountain retreat, and listen to his magical tales about his spirited and special creations. Weather you have been a collector for years, or are just learning of Dr. Clark’s work, you will enjoy a unique look at this gentle and talented man..Cover: Poster by David Teague..

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:VCR Tape–The Tom Clark Collection


    VCR Tape The Tom Clark Collection.. color.. 22:45 Minutes..NEW SEALED Cairn Studo.. Dr. Thomas Fetzer Clark has been heralded as one of the finest portrait sculptors in America, and is renowned for his ability to breath life into clay. Each of Tom’s characters, be they whimsical gnomes, seemingly simple country folk, or great people from history, posses their own distinct personality and exude a warmth that makes them unique in the art world. We invite you to meet Tom and some of the latest additions to his " Family of Cairn-Creations," and discover why Tom has become so popular with collectors all over the world..

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  • Tom Clark Gnomes:What -5259


    5259 WHAT R 1/01/96 10/31/02 THOMAS F. CLARK WHAT by Tom Clark 5259 Cairn Studios & Tom Clark WHAT by Tom Clark "What? He’s on second. Who is? No, Who’s on first. What’s on second. What is yelling at the batter. Yelling what? I don’t know. No, he’s on third. To make a double play What throws the ball to first base and throws it to Who. Naturally! Along with Yogi, Cy and Slugger, these Woodspirits love to play baseball. I slipped a lucky penny under his jacket to honor this All-American sport. What’s on his head? No, he’s standing up straight! He wears his glove as his cap to protect him from "flies." I don’t give a darn. Oh, that’s our shortstop." Artist: Tom Clark Release Date: June, 1994 A Registration Form will be sent for your completion to receive a Certificate of Authenticity.

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  • Trinidad and Tobago:1 Cent 1971


    Trinidad and Tobago:1 Cent 1971 We just have a box of different type of coins from all over the world and don’t know a thing about them , We are hoping we get them in the right Country.Normal circulated condition – I am not a coin collector or seller we got them years ago , these are sold as is and I make no warranty as to their condition

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  • Trinket Box:Central Keystone Federal Credit Union


    Cobalt Blue Trinket Box with Lid with “Central Keystone Federal Credit Union” on front in gold lettering and “50th Anniversary, 1954-2004″ in gold lettering on the back. Measures approximately 4 1/4″ high x 4” diameter. Marked on the bottom “M Ware China”. There are no nicks, chips or cracks. In good, used condition.

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  • Trinket Box:Lefton China Silver Wedding Anniversary Trinket Box


    Lefton China… Silver Wedding Anniversary… Trinket Box. White handpainted with silver trim, silver bells, roses, and a dove. Measures approximately 4″ diameter x 1 1/2″ high. Marked on bottom “Lefton China, Handpainted, Lefton Trademark Exclusive’s Japan”. The base of the trinket box has a large chip along the rim (see photo). Being sold AS IS!

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  • Triumph China:Betsy Ross & the Flag Collector Plate


    Triumph China…. “Betsy Ross & the Flag”….. Collector Plate. Marked on the back “Triumph China…Homer Laughlin 1871…Made in USA…Snow White”. This lovely collector plate features an all white porcelain plate with a thin gold band and a portrat of Betsy Ross holding the United States flag and our founding fathers next to her. The plate measures approximately 8 1/4 diameter. There are no nicks, chips or cracks. A very nice plate to add to your vintage historical collection, vintage china collection, etc… In good, used condition,

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  • Twinkie Chase Millennium CountDown Teddy Bear 1999


    Twinkie Chase Millennium CountDown Teddy Bear 1999 7″ high Blue silver bow ribbing in good used condition

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1993 PATTI the Platypus (9.5 inch)


    1993 TY Beanie Baby – PATTI the Platypus (9.5 inch) ..From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with NO heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 9.5 inches.
    One of the Wild Animal style TY Beanies.
    This is what the heart tag would read…Inside the tag reads:
    Ran into Patti one day while walking
    Believe me she wouldn’t stop talking
    Listened and listened to her speak
    That would explain her extra large beak !
    Birthday = 01/06/1993

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1993 SPEEDY the Turtle (6.5 inch)


    1993 TY Beanie Baby – SPEEDY the Turtle (6.5 inch) ..From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with NO heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 6.5 inches.
    One of the Turtle/Tortoise style TY Beanies.
    Inside the tag reads:
    Speedy ran marathons in the past
    Such a shame, always last
    Now Speedy is a big star
    After he bought a racing car!
    Birthday = 08/14/1994

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1995 PINKY the Pink Flamingo (10 inch)


    1995 TY Beanie Baby – PINKY the Pink Flamingo (10 inch) ..From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with NO heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 10 inches.
    One of the Bird style TY Beanies.
    This is what the heart tag would read…Inside the tag reads:
    Pinky loves the everglades
    From the hottest pink she’s made
    With floppy legs and big orange beak
    She’s the Beanie that you seek!
    Birthday = 02/13/1995

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1995 RINGO the Raccoon (8 inch)


    1995 TY Beanie Baby – RINGO the Raccoon (8 inch) ..From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with NO heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 8 inches.
    One of the Wild Animal style TY Beanies.
    This is what the heart tag would read…Inside the tag reads:
    Ringo hides behind his mask
    He will come out, if you should ask
    He loves to chitter. He loves to chatter
    Just about anything, it doesn’t matter!
    Birthday = 07/14/1995

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1995 ZIGGY the Zebra (8 inch)


    1995 TY Beanie Baby – ZIGGY the Zebra (8 inch)..From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 8 inches.
    One of the Wild Safari Animal style TY Beanies.
    Inside the tag reads:
    Ziggy likes soccer – he’s a referee
    That way he watches the games for free
    The other Beanies don’t think it’s fair
    But Ziggy the Zebra doesn’t care!
    Birthday = 12/24/2005

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1996 CHIP the Calico Cat (8 inch)


    1996 TY Beanie Baby – CHIP the Calico Cat (8 inch) ….From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with NO heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 8 inches.
    One of the Kitten/Cat style TY Beanies.
    This is what the heart tag would read..Inside the tag reads:
    Black and gold, brown and white
    The shades of her coat are quite a sight
    At mixing her colors she was a master
    On anyone else it would be a disaster
    Birthday = 01/26/1996

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  • TY Beanie Baby 1996 FRECKLES the Leopard (8.5 inch)


    1996 TY Beanie Baby – FRECKLES the Leopard (8.5 inch) ..
    From the Ty Beanie Babies collection.
    Plush stuffed animal collectible toy.
    (with heart & tush tags).
    Approximate size: 8.5 inches.
    One of the Wild Cat Safari style TY Beanies.
    Inside the tag reads:
    From the trees he hunts prey
    In the night and in the day
    He’s the king of camouflage
    Look real close, he’s no mirage!
    Birthday = 06/03/1996

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